Saturday, July 10, 2010

Be Prepared

Dear Lord thank You for this day, please may it be a good one. Yesterday I was enlightened on how days should be handled as they evolve. I felt so much in charge and ready to set the world on fire with my productivity, the weather was perfect, the birds were singing, and nothing seemed to be negative. Then a little bitty wasp stung me right on the end of my finger, terrible crippling pain put a stop to every thing, that finger is still numb and swollen this morning. This was a very minor set back, and only a small inconvenience, but I thought a good example of how and why we have to be prepared for the unexpected in life and know that we are not in charge. Dear Lord please be with us every day to help us cope with and handle the unexpected, and to understand that You are ultimately in charge. In Christ name we pray amen.

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