Monday, June 14, 2010


Dear Lord please be with us this day and may the things that we try to do work out alright and for the best. Help us to have a loving attitude and find ways to make life smoother, gentler, and more orderly for who ever we deal with. I recently discovered an allegory for life while on our sailboat with two of our grandsons. The wind was a little strong, the boys ten and twelve were full of energy and questions, so getting all of the preparatory done, life jackets, engine running, lines untied, safely away from docks, foresail properly lashed down to bow pulpit, and mainsail raised, all done with the help of eager inexperience, was a little hectic for this not too patient a grandpa. Then with grandma's help, noisy engine is turned off, tiller puts bow at proper point of sail, kids and lines stowed properly. Order is restored and peaceful smooth sailing is realized.

I believe that a dysfunctional chaotic life can be brought to a point of order with the help of prayer, positive scripture, and searching for God's will and desire for our life.

Dear Lord please stay with us, guide us and protect us, amen.

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