Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Control or Be Controled

One quote that I remember from a class on stress management was to control our emotions instead of letting them control us.

The book of James seems to cover this challenge in life as well as others with a few frank words. I often turn to this book to try to better understand how God would have me to approach everyday life. I don't claim to be able to live up to the standards laid out in this Book, but I find them to be a practical and all around easy to understand guide for the person who is trying to grow in understanding and seeking the Kingdom of God.

Some days it might be wise for us to be careful how we approach others about subjects that we are passionate about. We may turn them off and never be able to present our view in a manner that can be considered to have come from the teachings of Jesus. I know that I pray to have a right attitude and patience, but often I give my opinion with no other options for the person to whom I speak. Not setting a very good example or presenting my perspective in a good light, whether it has merit or not.

The book of James says it so well, from the New International Version of the Holy Bible, James 1:19-20 "My dear brothers, take note of this:, Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."

So direct and to the point, this wisdom and much more is there for us to harvest from this book.

Dear Lord please be with us today and may the things that we try to do work out for the best. Please may this be a good day today. In Christ Name we pray. amen!

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