Monday, August 31, 2009


An “Understanding” is a time when a “light bulb” comes on as the Lord and I communicate during the course of events on a normal day

Order, everything is in order, everything. Mankind may not recognize some of the design, but it is there. There has to be a purpose for this order, a need that has to be fulfilled. Mankind should not pretend to understand or comprehend all things about this order of creation or dismiss the fact or truth of the knowledge that is unveiled according to the Divine schedule of our Lord and Creator.

It is so gratifying to come to an “Understanding” that seems to be from the Holy Spirit. Now I am sure that some would debate this, but it is only important to "Me" if I feel the presence of God as I go about my life.

This one particular time happened as I was picking strawberries in my little raised bed improvised in an old tractor tire. I was so proud of myself because it seemed like my idea had worked. Some time ago, maybe two years, I had cut the side walls off two old tractor tires that a farmer friend had given me because they were of no use to him anymore. I had filled them with soil and was gardening in them as raised beds.

When even my wife admitted that it was working, my imagination was in high gear.

I imagined ten old tractor tires and a pay to pick sign out by the road, maybe even fifty old tractor tires.

Then my thoughts went to how can I keep the birds from getting my precious strawberries, I thought of the words that they hadn't planted these berries why should they be in on the harvest. Then I thought of this Scripture!

Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls? Lu 12:24

Then I remembered how I had come to an understanding on another day after watching birds go about their appointed task of defending their territories, finding mates, food, nesting, and so on. This was another time of understanding of how God's creation has such wonderful order, and how we all have a purpose to fulfill.
Who am I to deny the opportunity for these birds to be fed by God. They probably also feed on insects and weed seed at the same time anyway, so we are kind of sharecroppers.

Work is the pathway to peace of mind, all living things are created with certain abilities to perform tasks for the continuation of creation. If our minds and bodies are occupied in a productive pursuit of some kind, whether it be an actual product, or the completion of a project of spirit and thought, the ending result should be satisfaction or peace of mind.

Many of us may never find this path to peace of mind and satisfaction, but we should be in constant prayer to be led by The Lord God to our predestined position in the work force of God The Father Almighty.

One has only to watch the natural train of events in nature as the seasons display the orderly march of events as all of life moves toward reproduction and completion. The birds of the field as they search diligently for mate, food, and prepare to reproduce, the insects and creatures with fur and fin on much the same mission., flowers of the field, spots of moss, and over powering trees, nary a one without a purpose dictated by the creator.

What joy and happiness awaits the man or woman who realizes and recognizes their potential and ability to do the work assigned. If only we could grow to the point of finding our reward need not be wealth nor power, but peace of mind in knowing that we have helped our Creator.

One thing that may well prevent us from finding this occupation or alloted space of employment, may be competition. Not that there won't be any room left for us, but that we won't feel that we can compete well enough to have any success. Competition has been the brake applied to many attempts toward a life of satisfactory achievement. It is not our competitors who apply the brake but we ourselves because we cannot bring ourselves to the point of risk. It would be better that we do the best we can with the abilities that God has given us than to let the work go undone.

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