Saturday, April 19, 2008

Still depressed

Even tho I haven't taken medication in probably over twenty years I still feel the grip, maybe not any where near like the bad times, but the grip of depression upon rising almost every morning. Fortunately I know how to deal with it, I go to the Lord in prayer asking for a good day, and I read a devotional like "Upper Room" +++++++++++++where there is almost always some positive scripture included. Then on with another day of coping with life where I know that I am very fortunate to have my circumstances. My depressed attitude is usually gone by this time, life is good!

1 comment:

krista said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I am finding a lot of joy in writing my blog.

I too struggle with blue feelings each morning. You are right that the cure each and every day is prayer!

I look forward to reading your blog!